среда, 10 октября 2012 г.

Using my build of Quake3 (for Arch Linux)

Hi, everyone.

In my post I described how did I build Quake3 for my RPi (with ARM Arch Linux). It was no so easy, but it's completely works.

I did all these steps because I tryed many other ways, also using builds made by other people. But all my attempts failed. So I build Quake from sources.

I hope, that my post will help you to enjoy this game.

Also, you can test to use binary build made by me. Maybe it's will be shorter way to play :)

If you want to test my binary build, please do:

1. Go home
$ cd ~

2. Download  packed binaries
$ wget http://content.wuala.com/contents/KittyHawk/quake3/quake3arena.zip

3. Unzip data
$ unzip quake3arena.zip

4. Mark some files as executable.
$ cd ~/quake3arena
$ chmod +x ./start.sh
$ chmod +x ./ioquake3.arm
$ chmod +x ./ioq3ded.arm
$ chmod +x ./lib/libSDL.so
$ chmod +x ./lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0
$ chmod +x ./lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0.11.3

$ chmod +x ./baseq3/cgamearm.so
$ chmod +x ./baseq3/qagamearm.so
$ chmod +x ./baseq3/uiarm.so

OR, download my script which will do this for you.

$ cd ~/quake3arena
$ wget http://content.wuala.com/contents/KittyHawk/quake3/quake3arena-fixes.sh
$ chmod +x  quake3arena-fixes.sh
$ ./quake3arena-fixes.sh 

5. Enjoy gaming.

$ cd ~/quake3arena
$ ./start.sh 

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